
A Real-Life Mom Blog For the Overthinkers

Hi. I’m Sammi, and I’m an overthinker.

Welcome to my down-to-earth, no frills, real-life mom blog for the worry warts and overthinkers of the world! Don’t worry, I’m here to help ease your worries and make motherhood a breeze! Okay, maybe not a breeze, but at least less stressful! I used to think way too much about things that may or may not happen. I used to worry and agonize and contemplate until my stomach was in knots and I couldn’t focus on what was actually happening in my life right at that moment. What I realized eventually was that if I felt like I was in control, or at least knew what to expect, my worries were MUCH more manageable. I was able to enjoy my life and brush the worries away when they came up.

Enter motherhood…

Motherhood threw me for a loop like nobody’s business. When I found out I was pregnant with my first baby, I was shocked, excited, scared, ecstatic—basically all the conflicting emotions. I was happily married (and still am, woot!), financially stable, and pretty responsible for a 25-year-old, unless you count the few too many glasses—ahem, bottles—of wine every now and then…but a baby was not in the plans for a few more years! Then, in 3 minutes, my whole life changed. ACTUALLY, it was less than that, because that test turned positive almost instantly! Whaaaaaaat? I’m sure many of you know what I’m talking about. Did you stare at the test and wonder if that plus sign or two pink lines actually meant not pregnant? Maybe you read the test wrong! Nope. Congratulations! All of the sudden, you can’t drink, smoke, eat sushi, and for me personally, I couldn’t do my job anymore because it was an industrial environment. There was so much I didn’t know, and boy did I realize it quick.

So, I took to the internet.

Thank GOD we live in a time where everything we could possibly need or want to know is at our fingertips. I read book after book on pregnancy (this one is my absolute favorite) and childbirth (this one to learn how it all works, this one to learn how to get through it without pain meds). I’ll write a post later about these books themselves and how they helped me have a 100% natural birth in the hospital! I read blogs, articles, downloaded apps for my phone—you get the idea. I devoured knowledge and other women’s experiences in preparation for my own impending experience. This trend continued after my son was born.

Which brings us to why we’re here…

Through all of my research, THEE most important thing I learned is that every mother’s experience is different. No matter how many books, blogs, and articles I read or apps I download, NONE of them can tell me what is right for me, my baby, my family. There is not a single resource out there that can tell you the “right” way to do things. What’s right for you might not be right for me, and what’s right for me might not be right for the mom next to me. The best thing we can do is gather all of the information and make informed decisions that we are confident and comfortable with. THAT is why I’m starting this real-life mom blog. I want to give you all the information: what the different options are, what I tried, what worked and what didn’t. Hopefully, in all of that, there will be something that makes your life a little easier. Something I can contribute to your amazing journey as a real-life, pony tail wearing, no makeup having, bonafide mom. So, grab a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and take a look around. Cheers!

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